Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Result of Limited Choice

As we near the day of final decision, I hear nothing but indecision or in some cases, down right disdain for our choices for the November 4th. Presidential election. I am asked by so many why I dropped out and as explained, we refused to accept financing and we failed to register in a timely manner.

Today i called the Bureau that establishes the election codes and rules and I asked, in view of the choices, if some exception could be made so as to allow a late entry. I explained that while I did not have the money required to register, I would, shortly after being elected pay whatever the cost as I would have money rolling in from Bribes and my "cut" of so many government programs. They would not bend the rules. OK, I am patient, I will wait four years and the Deficit Reduction Party will once again emerge- this time victoriously.

I am constantly asked who I intend supporting. I cannot divulge that, it wouldn't be fair to show partiality. Besides, even I have a difficult choice. There are so many rumors- most of them false, circulating about the Obamas'. (Still, some give me reason for concern) Our young voters are impressed with his gift of speech.

On the other side of the aisle we have a Gentleman who is fighting an uphill battle thanks to his predecessor, and to add to his woes he brings on board a Moose Hunter, although I am told she is a good moose cook.

Which do I like the best- neither. This feeling is the result of a very limited choice- in my opinion.

May the winner be one of YOUR choice and may that person lift us from the depths of the pitiful position we find ourselves in today.

May God bless you, and May God Bless America.

Al Hoffman
Candidate for President